Thursday, August 28, 2014

[Event Notifications] saves the day again...

Got the morning ERRORLOG email courtesy of EN.  And I got several hundred messages from ERRORLOG.  During a patch, the Agent XPs were disabled but not reenabled.  So the Agent service was up, but didn't do anything.

Ironically enough, it wasn't just the ERRORLOGs that saved me - it was SQL Sentry, which hit (and failed) the XPs once a minute.  Which, yay, caused an ERRORLOG message, but didn't actually TELL me it wasn't working.  (I've submitted a bug fix for that).

Just another of those "my god, how do I live without this" posts.

ALL my EN code is in this share:

Additionally, my Gists (source code of the code I use in production) are at:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

[SQLSaturday] Thanks for coming to see me at Oklahoma City!

Thanks again for all the generous hospitality, and the 28(!) people who came to my session.  It seemed like everybody enjoyed it!  I got a bunch of good reviews, and a couple suggestions I'll implement for SQL Saturday 300 (This. Is. Kansas City!) but feel free to let me know what I could have done to improve things - I know the room was warm and I saw people flagging near the end.

Matt Brimer did an amazing job, and I will definitely return.  Great venue, most of the speakers were good, food was awesome.  All around, a fantastic SQLSat.

Slides and everything are available off the SQL Saturday Web site, at:

Note that that's not only all my slides, but the scripts as well.  I have a newer, complete version of the Repository - I'll have that put up on here in the next day or so (updated: , see "EN Full Repository Setup").  That should be everything required to run the code on your servers.  Installers, new databases, everything.


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

[Interesting] Linked Server is cached for a session

Since I spent 20 minutes trying to diagnose it this morning...

Say you have a session open.  That session invokes a query that hits a linked server.

Now change the linked server.  Drop and recreate, point it at a different server.

New sessions get the new definition, but existing sessions use the old definition.

Monday, August 18, 2014

[Presenting] Last minute - SQLWatchdog at the Fort Worth SQL Server User Group, Wednesday, August 20th

Just had a last-minute invite, and it seemed an awesome opportunity to present & hone it one more time before my forthcoming SQL Saturday presentations (OKC this weekend, KC next month) for more details.  It'll be Wednesday, August 20th, 2014, at 7pm.

Yes, this is the presentation I did there almost 2 years ago, expanded, fleshed out, and with Cat Pics. Because if there's one thing a presentation needs, it's Cat Pics.

See you there!