I just posted this on the Cleartrace forums, but wanted a copy here.
Basically, Cleartrace takes trace files, imports the code calls, and turns it into information. Here's the code that runs most often, here's the code that takes the longest to run, here's your I/O hog, etc.
Everybody I ask about Profiler typically talks about running it then manually going through the results. While that's fine for small stuff, I'm more interested in aggregations and baselines. So were the people behind Cleartrace, fortunately. But I need it automated, and on several machines. Hence, this code.
Once cleartrace is running and set up to use a server, run this code to add a config table, then set up some servers.
I assume you're running with adequate permissions; if not, set up the folders put the files in a share and set that as your trace_folder. Set up a specific name for the trace.
Once it's imported some, bring up Cleartrace (the real version) and choose an import group, then start looking at data. Slice and dice as necessary.
Note that this does NOT keep the details - it's all aggregates, even in the CT DB. Which is why we save the trace files for posterity.
This is not any big deal, it's a rough first pass, I'm sure I'll have to fix it later. But it works and it lets me check out servers for user requests. (I didn't use XE or EN for several reasons, not the least of which because XE doesn't have all the capabilities I need under 2008)
USE Cleartrace
if object_id('Cleartrace..CT_AutoServerList') is not null
DROP TABLE CT_AutoServerList
server_name sysname,
trace_folder VARCHAR(200),
trace_name VARCHAR(50),
is_active BIT,
insert_datetime DATETIME DEFAULT(GETDATE()),
update_datetime datetime
SELECT * FROM CT_AutoServerList
( server_name ,
is_active ,
VALUES ( 'yourservernamehere', -- server_name - sysname
1 , -- is_active - bit
'2012-07-31 10:02:00'
--Cleartrace automated load--
--mdb 2012/08/01 1.00 --
CREATE PROCEDURE ReadTrace.usp_AutomateTraceLoad
--mdb 20120801 first version!
Purpose: Pull trace files from a variety of servers and use Cleartracecmd (Cleartrace Command Line) to
automatically load into tables for processing, using a particular trace name and saving to a folder
on the "processing" server.
Cleartrace can be found at www.scalesql.com/cleartrace/
and is written(?) & maintained by Bill Graziano. It's his tool and I take no credit for it.
It's indispensable for reading traces. My code simply tries to automate it.
Download Cleartrace (full version, since we use Cleartracecmd.exe).
Run Cleartrace and choose a server/database. It will create the DB and objects as needed. Import a file to make sure it's all created.
Run this script in that database.
Create a folder to hold the trace files
Add rows to the CTAutoServerList table
Set up traces on the servers you want to manage. Set a beginning/end time so that this has time to run at night and import.
Run traces.
While the traces are stopped, run this code
Goal: to run an import for each particular trace for a server, saving locally, and making available via cleartrace
Most of the code here is to guarantee that it gets processed once.
@cleartrace_server sysname ,
@cleartrace_database sysname,
@archive_folder varchar(300),
@executable_folder VARCHAR(300),
@min INT, @max INT,
@full_archive_folder_name varchar(300),
@error INT,
@cmd NVARCHAR(4000),
@msg VARCHAR(1000)
if object_id('tempdb..#Error_Finder') is not null
drop table #Error_Finder
create table #Error_Finder (listing nvarchar (255))
if object_id('tempdb..#File_Results') is not null
drop table #File_Results
CREATE TABLE #File_Results (
File_Exists int,
File_is_a_Directory int,
Parent_Directory_Exists int
SET @cleartrace_server = 'cleartraceservernamehere'
SET @cleartrace_database = 'ClearTrace'
SET @archive_folder = 'e:\trace_file_archive' --where to save trace files.
SET @executable_folder = 'e:\trace_file_archive' --where cleartracecmd.exe is.
SELECT @min = 1, @max = 0 --if no records at all, skip
--get rid of trailing slashes on the two fields, just in case
IF RIGHT(@archive_folder,1)='\' SET @archive_folder = LEFT(@archive_folder,LEN(@archive_folder)-1)
IF RIGHT(@executable_folder,1)='\' SET @executable_folder = LEFT(@executable_folder,LEN(@executable_folder)-1)
--Get a list of just the active servers/traces
--we could replace this with a ROW_NUMBER'd table, but we call it multiple places and I don't want more variables
--doing this so we only run against valid servers
DECLARE @server_list TABLE
server_name sysname,
trace_folder VARCHAR(200),
trace_name VARCHAR(50))
INSERT INTO @server_list
SELECT server_name,
FROM CT_AutoServerList
WHERE is_active = 1
--loop through valid servers and grab trace files
SELECT @min = MIN(id), @max = MAX(id) FROM @server_list
SELECT @min, @max
WHILE @min <= @max
SELECT @full_archive_folder_name = NULL,
@error = 0,
@cmd = NULL
--Step 1: verify archive folder exists for that server
SELECT @full_archive_folder_name = @archive_folder + '\' + server_name
FROM @server_list WHERE id = @min
--See if folder for server exists. If not, try and create the folder. If that fails, throw an error.
INSERT INTO #File_Results
(File_Exists, file_is_a_directory, parent_directory_exists)
--verify it exists
EXEC Master.dbo.xp_fileexist @full_archive_folder_name
IF (SELECT TOP 1 File_is_a_Directory FROM #File_Results) = 0
--if it does not, create it.
SELECT @cmd = 'mkdir ' + @full_archive_folder_name
INSERT #Error_Finder EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmd
--throw errors if the create failed, as it'll import but not
SET @error = @@ERROR
IF @error <> 0 OR
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Error_Finder where
listing like '%error%'
OR listing LIKE '%not ready%'
OR listing LIKE '%not found%') > 0
SELECT @msg = '[Cleartrace] Error ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@error) + ' occurred during folder creation.'
RAISERROR (@msg,16,1)
--Step 2: import using ClearTraceCmd--
SET @cmd = NULL
SET @error = 0
SELECT @cmd =
@executable_folder + '\ClearTraceCmd.exe'
+ ' /s ' + @cleartrace_server
+ ' /d ' + @cleartrace_database
+ ' /f ' + '\\' + server_name + '\' + REPLACE(trace_folder,':','$') + '\' --change e: to e$, if not using shares
+ trace_name + '_*' --_* allows web1 and web2
+ ' /group ' + server_name + '_' + trace_name
+ ' /archivedir ' + @full_archive_folder_name
FROM @server_list WHERE id = @min
INSERT #Error_Finder EXEC xp_cmdshell @cmd
SET @error = @@ERROR
IF @error <> 0 OR
(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #Error_Finder where
listing like '%error%'
OR listing LIKE '%not ready%'
OR listing LIKE '%not found%') > 0
SELECT @msg = '[Cleartrace] Error ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@error) + ' occurred during cmdline import.'
RAISERROR (@msg,16,1)
SELECT * FROM #Error_Finder
SET @min = @min + 1
DROP TABLE #Error_Finder
DROP TABLE #File_Results
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