Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Azure SQL Database Elastic Pools - fun monitoring the resize.

Turns out the Cloud is, as previously surmised, is other people's computers. And they want their two dollars. 

So let's resize! And then get a notification when it's done!

The annoying part, though, is that for the FIRST change, it doesn't tell you ANYthing until you're done. Run the command, get back an empty prompt. Seriously it was a "WTF". 

AFTER it's done, the SECOND change you can monitor. 

This code will do both. Warning that it will Just Keep Notifying you because I am lazy and just wanted SOMETHING to work. 

And the part with writehost? here's what it looks like in my job history:

Oh, and percent done appears to START at 50%. Like I started a resize on a >1tb SQL DB, and under 2 minutes it says 50%. Sure, sure. *pat DB on head* who's a good little monitor?



$activity = @()

$activity = Get-AzSqlElasticPoolActivity -ResourceGroupName "yourgroupnamehere" -servername "yourservernamehere" -elasticpoolname "yourelasticpoolnamehere"

$latest_activity = $activity|sort -Property StartTime -Descending |select -first 1

write-host "$($latest_activity.state) is the state of the operation started at $($latest_activity.starttime) and pct is $($latest_activity.PercentComplete)"

#that is so that when I run it with sql server (VM), I can get back the results of the powershell script. 

if ($latest_activity.state -ne "IN_PROGRESS" -and $latest_activity.StartTime -gt [datetime]"2025/02/04 21:13:00")




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