How to monitor the progress of a resizing operation. (see previous post for Elastic Pool changes)
Managed Instance:
- Get-AzSqlInstanceOperation -ResourceGroupName "myrgnamehere" -managedinstancename "myservernamehere"
- get-azsqldatabaseactivity -ResourceGroupName "myrgnamehere" -servername "myservernamehere" -databasename "dbnamehere"
Note that instead of IN_PROGRESS, for both of these the state is "InProgress". Sloppy, Microsoft, sloppy.
Oh, but at least they start reporting info shortly after it starts!
$activity = (the above)
$latest_activity = $activity|sort -Property StartTime -Descending |select -first 1 #unsure if I need this, but what the heck, still works
if ($latest_activity.state -ne "INPROGRESS" -and $latest_activity.StartTime -gt [datetime]"2025/02/13 19:00:00")