Monday, May 7, 2018

[AWS] Reading Aurora audit logs in Cloudwatch for DDL changes

Another form of log-watching, this time the Audit logs that Aurora can push to Cloudwatch.  It's not all stuff by any means; heck, the example they use is just about failed logins.

In this case, we're reading the Cloudwatch logs for our RDS clusters.
Since Cloudwatch offers filters, in this example we're looking for QUERY commands, since we've turned Server Audit on, and are uploading connects + queries to Cloudwatch.  (More information on that in:  Remember to set a cap on it, though then interesting things could be buried.

Why are we doing this?  In our case, this gives us a few bits of cool info.  Specifically, we can log all the DDL commands that come across our cluster, making sure everything is behaving as expected.

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